Yoga & Pregnancy

Yoga is one of the things that has kept me feeling great throughout this pregnancy. What I love about it is that it can be modified to all stages of pregnancy, whether you’re feel your best and super energetic with a power flow in your second trimester, or your crave more stretching and restorative poses during the final stretch in the third trimester.

Key is having a teacher who can guide you throughout the time that you’re expecting and I was lucky enough to have weekly virtual classes with my yoga teacher Cora Rosen all the way from Palm Beach to Zurich. It was important to me to be guided by someone who knows what they are doing since pregnancy is such a delicate time and there are certain asanas that should be modified or avoided. I have felt safe and excited to move throughout this pregnancy thanks to Cora’s guidance and she was kind enough to share some of her knowledge about yoga & pregnancy with all of us.

What do you love about yoga?
I love that yoga is such an introspective practice. It is really unique in that way that you can cultivate this deep connection while moving, making shapes, breathing and just being present. 

What is your favorite asana?
There are so many but I love backbends.

Is yoga safe to practice during pregnancy?
Yoga is very safe to practice during pregnancy unless your doctor suggests otherwise depending on your situation.

What asanas should be avoided while expecting?
You want to avoid deep twisting. We also advise not to hop forward or back if you are practicing vinyasa. As the belly starts to grow it may not feel comfortable to lie on your back. The reason for this is that as the uterus grows, the weight of the uterus and size lies on top of your inferior vena cava which is the blood vessel that brings the blood flow back to your heart so the weight of the uterus could apply pressure compressing the vein. 

How frequently do you recommend practicing yoga during pregnancy?
I would recommend everyday or as much as you can fit it into your schedule. It is so beneficial not only while you are pregnant and as your body changes but it helps to prepare you with tools for labor as well as post recovery. 

How can yoga be beneficial in preparation for birth?
The pranayama or breath practice we work on throughout yoga is so beneficial in preparing for birth. As we practice deepening and connecting to our breath we can then use that as a tool for labor and also as a way to help distress and deal with all that comes with labor and delivery. The postures we practice help in keeping the hips open for labor as well as hydrating the tissues of the body as a whole which is so beneficial with all the chemical changes that happen throughout pregnancy, birth and post.

How does yoga help postpartum recovery?
Keeping our tissues hydrated is key in recovery and balance and the yoga postures we more thru help do that. Also practicing pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles not only make it easier to push the baby out of the womb but are so instrumental in the recovery and helping us to get back to “normal” faster. 

What are your top three health and wellness tips for pregnant mamas?
1. Make time for yourself because things will be changing once that beautiful baby comes. So wether that is cutting out time for some yoga, a bath or a nice nap, give yourself what you need to feel balanced. It is so important.

2. Trust your instincts and intuition and this is so important not only while you are pregnant but also once you become a mother. We live in the age of information and it is so easy to stress ourselves out every time we don’t feel well or if we feel something different. Googling every little thing could drive you insane and elevate your stress levels. I have found the more I listen to that inner wisdom, it always seems to know exactly how to respond. This goes for motherhood as well. Remember you have the strength, intuition and wisdom to take care of you and your baby and the outside sources such as google, friends and family could deter you from that connection. We are amazing beings but sometimes need a little reminder of our superpowers. 

3. Don’t compare yourself or your child to others and embrace it all. Allow the uniqueness that makes you you to be exactly as it is. We can be so hard on ourselves. We think we should look a certain way, only gain a certain amount of weight, eat a certain way, our child should only act this way, etc. We are imperfect and we always will be. That is one of the beauty and joys of life because it gives us perspective and makes us feel things with more depth and compassion. The more understanding we are of our perfect as well as imperfect choices the more we are able to navigate our life and family in the most authentic and loving way we can. So love yourself and if that is hard just commit to learning too. Yoga is a great resource to cultivate deeper connection, build confidence, provide support for our mind and body and soften those harder edges. 

Book recommendations for expectant mothers?
It has been so long and there are probably so many new books now but I loved the What to Expect When You Are Expecting Book.