My favorite place to shop is my local farmer‘s market. I know that I can get the most vibrant produce that lasts me the longest and is packed with nutrients and full of flavor. Here are some more good reasons you should try to shop organic and in season if possible:

Nature always provides us exactly what we need. While in the summer there is an abundance of vibrant and hydrating fruit and vegetables like berries, tomatoes, corn and romaine lettuce, in the winter we are gifted with grounding and nourishing produce such as sweet potatoes, pumpkin, brussels and sturdy greens. The orange and dark green hues of the colder season provide us with plenty of vitamin C for immunity.

Nutrient-dense & fresh. Eating what’s in season also assures you always get the freshest and most nutrient-dense produce. Even better, if you can shop at your local farm or farmer’s market because the shorter the transport from earth to table, the fresher and more nutritious your fruit and vegetables.

A quick word on frozen produce: it’s a great option in the winter to still get to enjoy some summer produce such as berries or peas. Frozen fruits and vegetables still retain a lot of vitamins and minerals because they were frozen right after harvest. I always keep my freezer stocked with frozen berries, mango, peas and spinach to have them on hand for quick smoothies or soups.

Lower the toxic load on your body by shopping organic. Try to shop organic food if possible. The toxic load on our bodies is already high in this world we live in, so our food is a great way to reduce that intake. Luckily, almost every supermarket has organic options so if you have the choice, choose organic. Farmer’s markets are my favorite, as it’s local and sold at a fair price. Organic fruit and vegetables are often also more nutrient-dense as they are farmed sustainably on soil that is not completely depleted of minerals. I know it’s not always accessible for everyone but try to do the best you can with what’s available to you, it’s worth it for your own health and the health of our planet.