Simple Green Smoothie

I have been loving this simple green smoothie lately that I don’t have access to a juicer and it’s the perfect alkaline start to my day. There is something about getting your greens in first thing in the day that just makes you feel amazing. Plus, this smoothie is minimal ingredients so it’s perfect to make when you are on vacation when things have to be quick & easy.

Superfoods don’t always have to be fancy & exotic, essentially all whole plant-based foods are superfoods. These are the ones I use for this smoothie:

Spinach. Rich in folate & iron plus we can never get enough phytonutrients from greens.

Banana. Great source of fiber, complex carbohydrates, potassium & magnesium which are essential minerals.

Mango. The yellow powerhouse is super high in antioxidants and vitamin A & C which both vital for immunity.

Dates. Nature’s candy is full of minerals like potassium, magnesium & copper as well as vitamin B6 & iron.

Lemon. Citrus is an amazing source of vitamin C plus it makes the iron in the spinach bio-available for the body, which is why it’s an essential ingredient for this smoothie.

Ingredients: (preferably organic)

  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 1 banana
  • ½ mango
  • 1 date, pitted
  • 1 cup cold water
  • ½ lemon, juiced
  • a few ice cubes (optional)


01. Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and mix. Add more or less water for the desired consistency. I like to use frozen produce or add ice for freshness.
02. Squeeze in the lemon juice, pour into a glass & enjoy!