Nourish your body from a place of love

Last week I posted about opening up the conversation about perfection when it comes to nutrition and I would like to dive deeper into this topic because I feel like as I’m sharing about wellness on social media it is my responsibility to do so. I started this account in the first place because looking at wellness in a holistic way was life-changing for me and I found myself through it. Mindfulness brings me peace of mind, gentle movement is my daily meditation and nourishing my body with plants makes me feel the best I’ve ever felt. It’s such a powerful way to live because it comes from a place of love. From a place of listening to my body and asking “What makes me feel my best right now?” and “What nourishes me most in this moment?”. Our bodies always know best. We just need to learn to trust again and instead of listening to the outside noise to feel what’s going on with ourselves physically, mentally & emotionally. It’s the key to well-being.

I am writing this because it’s so easy for us to fall into the trap to feel like we have to be perfect. Social media can amplify the pressure. This concerns both ends, whether you consume social media or you create content around wellness. Being an avid follower of wellness accounts myself, I know that the way someone seems to live can sometimes seem unattainable or “perfect”. But we always have to keep in mind that what we see on our screens are curated snippets out of someone’s day, we are only shown content that is “on brand” for the most part. I’ve caught myself a few times thinking “Oh, I can’t share this because it doesn’t fit in perfectly with the picture I’ve created.” But you know what? Those are EXACTLY the moments that should be shared because they are REAL. Perfection doesn’t exist and we are all just doing our best.

A healthy lifestyle can only be consistent if we practice it with flexibility and if we nourish ourselves from the perspective of abundance, not restriction. Don’t go crazy about labels, those can be guiding principles but not strict rules. Nourish yourself from a place of love. You are your own best guide.