Liquid Gold – Healing Vegetable Broth

Making your own vegetable broth might not seem that exciting or even a bit intimidating at first, but please keep reading to let me convince you why you should be cooking up this liquid gold. First of all, broth is highly beneficial for health reasons and by making your own you know exactly what’s in it and you can customise the flavour depending on what vegetables you are using, plus it’s super easy to make. Okay, let’s get into why veggie broth is so good for you:

  • super healing for the gut-lining
  • super anti-inflammatory
  • rich in antioxidants
  • rich in phytonutrients
  • rich in minerals

By simmering the vegetables slowly for a longer period of time, all their goodness gets absorbed into the broth making it a powerful healing and soothing potion which is great to have on hand when you need it. I use mine for soups and cooking but you can also drink it straight from a cup as a comforting beverage.

Ingredients: (preferably organic)

  • 12 cups filtered water
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 parsnip
  • 1 potato
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 leek
  • 1 onion
  • 1 cup shitaake mushrooms
  • 1 stalk kale
  • bunch of thyme
  • bunch of parsley


Roughly chop up the vegetables except for the onion (just cut it in half), the herbs and the potatoes which go in whole. No need to peel, the essential vitamins & minerals all sit in the skin, just wash them well before using. Add them to a large pot, pour in the water, cover and bring to a boil. Once the water is boiling, turn down the heat, uncover and let the broth simmer for 90 minutes or longer if you wish a more intensely flavoured broth. Once it’s done, strain the broth and store in glass jars in the fridge for three days or freeze for up to three months. Tip: Play around with the veggies, the flavor will come out differently depending on what you are using. Just be careful with cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli, as they tend to make the broth bitter.