Green Juice every day

Green juice is the ultimate health cliché and that’s not for nothing. Juicing is incredibly beneficial since it floods the body with nutrients, it’s detoxifying and alkalizing. Green juices are not a wellness fad, they are definitely here to stay. Here is what makes them so beneficial:

  • Easy way to absorb a load of nutrients: Green juice is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so you’re really doing yourself a favor by drinking green juice daily.
  • Hydrating: Green juice hydrates your body on a cellular level.
  • Reduces inflammation & slows the ageing process: Having a green juice on empty stomach in the morning gives the digestive system a break because the fiber of the vegetables and fruit is removed through the extracting process and the nutrients from the juice can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream. Giving digestion a break allows the body to repair cells, reverse the ageing process and reduce inflammation.
  • Detoxifiying & alkalizing: Juicing in the morning helps digestion to remove accumulated waste, that’s why it’s so detoxifying.
  • Amazing for skin health: Because all health including beautiful skin starts in the gut, juicing helps clear skin problems.
  • Curbs sugar cravings: once you get hooked on the green juice taste (made from vegetables for the majority to keep it low sugar) it will help you control that sweet tooth.

Juicing tips:

  • Consistency is key! Detoxing is not a one time event, though a green juice here and there won’t hurt, it’s the everyday habit that brings the full benefits. Try sticking to a daily juicing routine for thirty days and see how you benefit from it.
  • It’s super important to drink the juice on EMPTY stomach and wait 20-30 minutes before having breakfast to give the body time to absorb the nutrients, reap the full detox benefits and prevent bloating.
  • Keep the sweetness at moderation. Use at least 70% vegetables to make sure the juice is not too high in sugar and to prevent blood sugar spikes.
  • Make your own juice, it’s not only cheaper, but you know exactly what’s in it and it’s the freshest possible.
  • Use organic produce, you don’t want any pesticides in your healthy green juice.

I start every morning with a celery and lemon juice. I don’t think celery itself is more beneficial than any other green vegetable, but I love how simple, minimal and fresh it tastes. Experiment and try different combinations of green vegetables like celery, cucumber, fennel, kale or spinach to find what combination works best for you!

This is the recipe for my celery lemon juice:


  • 2 heads of celery
  • 1 lemon


Juice the celery with the juicer (I recommend washing & prepping it right away when you get home from grocery shopping, so you have it on hand in the morning). Squeeze in the lemon with a hand press, done! This should yield approx. 8 ounces of celery juice, share it with your loved ones or have it all for yourself!