First Trimester Essentials

Beyond feeling blessed and over the moon about our growing family, the first weeks of pregnancy were physically and mentally challenging for me. I was nauseous constantly (not sure why it’s called morning sickness – it was more like all day sickness) and I felt super sensitive and emotional, triggered by the smallest things. My first pregnancy I vaguely remember the same way though this time around seemed even more challenging. I feel like our bodies make us forget things quickly, especially pregnancy related (mom brain anyone?!). Anyways, I thought this would be a good time to write about all my first trimester essentials before I forget again, haha.

First up, let’s talk about those nausea remedies because when you’re in it, you will leave nothing untried to find relief and if this helps any pregnant mama out there, I’m so happy. There is not much helpful information out there and I know because I googled pregnancy nausea relief more than once, believe me. Unfortunately only patience and time will make the sickness completely go away but at least these little things made these first few weeks of pregnancy a little more bearable.

Lemon Ginger Water & Ginger Tea
Ginger is one of the best sickness remedies and since I have my lemon water every morning without fail even during that time, I simply added fresh grated ginger to it which made me feel a bit better after getting up. I also sipped on warm ginger tea during the day to stay hydrated and fight the nausea.

Ice Water
Nothing better than a big glass of ice cold water with ice cubes when you feel sick! I really really helps to alleviate that nausea for a brief moment.

Brush Teeth & Tongue Scraping
This might be TMI but the best way to feel less nauseous in an instant is to brush your teeth and scrape the tongue. It gets rid of that shallow taste and leaves you feel fresh which also helps with the sickness.

Carbs, carbs, carbs
The only thing I managed to get down were carbs on carbs on carbs. Anything green was off limits. All beige and white foods like toast, oatmeal and rice were daily staples. Occasionally I also craved cold fruit like mango and banana which are easy on the stomach and great for a quick energy boost. Dried fruit, dates and rice cakes helped me keep my blood sugar levels stable too and thus kept me from feeling even more sick. Key is to always pack a snack wherever you go because keeping blood sugar stable helps the nausea so much!

Essential Oils
Lavender and the balance blend were my go-tos during these first few weeks of pregnancy. I diffused them or applied to my wrists and neck for relaxation and nausea relief which always made me feel a bit better. That said, be careful and do your research about essential oils during pregnancy, they are super powerful and not all are suitable for this sensitive time.

The less sleep I got, the worse I felt the next day. I took naps whenever I got the chance to because SLEEP is still the best medicine for anything. Even if you can’t tell in the first trimester, there is SO much going on inside that body of a mom-to-be! Fatigue is the body’s natural way to tell us we need to slow down and get some rest, so we shouldn’t feel bad about being less active and take this time to relax!

Emotionally I was all over the place. In part because of the constant sickness which makes it really hard to get through the day and because of the fatigue that was also permanent, yet at night I couldn’t sleep and during the day I had to be full on for my little one. I felt triggered by anything and everything and could have cried all day (can’t even explain why – hormones!). Meditation and acupuncture helped a lot with this as well as my decision at about eight weeks in to stop feeling sorry for myself. It miraculously made me feel so much better, it’s insane how much the power of the mind can influence how we feel!

My go to for everything and daily must is the time I take for myself to sit in stillness. It also helped me a lot to get through this tough time but it took a lot of discipline which I didn’t always manage to get together. When I did find the strength though, it made my day so much more balanced. It’s when we want it the least that we need it the most!

My non-negotiable already last pregnancy! It helps with anything from insomnia to back problems to emotional distress. I started as soon as I found out I was pregnant and it’s still my sacred hour every week which leaves me feel relaxed and centered.

There are so many nutrients mama and baby need during this time that a high quality pre-natal supplement is a must, one containing folic acid in particular.

Pregnancy Supplements
I take a prenatal from Biogena which has the most bioavailable folic acid and all essential vitamins. I chose this because I wanted a plant-based option and most pre-natals contain fish oil, but this one doesn’t. It’s still super important to get your Omega-3s during pregnancy for baby’s brain development (and to make make a bit less forgetful lol). My DHA I get separately from algae oil capsules, I like the brand Omega-life and it’s their vegan supplement I take. Another supplement I always incorporate is a probiotic because gut health is everything and that isn’t any different during pregnancy. My go-tos are Seed and Omni Lactis from Biogena. It’s good to switch them up once in a while to get the benefits from a diversity of bacteria. Something else that is a staple in my supplement regime is magnesium, helps relax the muscles and aids sleep & digestion, best taken at night. I like this brand best! When choosing a supplement I always make sure it only has active ingredients and it’s free of preservatives, fillers, coloring or additives. (Please be aware that this is not medical advice, I’m just sharing what works for me. Always consult with your doctor before taking any supplements during pregnancy)