Chickpea Niçoise

I love to take classic dishes and put my plant-based twist on it! I promise no one will miss the tuna in this Niçoise, the crunchy chickpeas are just as satisfying and umami tasting and perfectly complement the sweetness of the tomatoes and the saltiness of the olives. One more addition to our weekly lunch bowl hit parade!


  • 4 cups lettuce (I like to use a mix of baby romaine & arugula)
  • 1 can chickpeas
  • a splash of olive oil
  • a pinch of dried rosemary
  • a pinch of dried thyme
  • pink Himalayan salt
  • 2 potatoes, steamed, peeled & diced
  • a handful green beans, steamed trimmed & halved
  • a handful cherry tomatoes, halved
  • a handful kalamata olives, halved
  • 1 scallion, sliced, for garnish
  • chives, chopped, for garnish

Tangy Lemon Dressing

  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp mustard
  • pink Himalyan salt, to taste
  • black pepper, to taste


01. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees. On a parchment paper lined baking sheet, spread out the chickpeas and season with pink Himalayan salt, dried thyme and rosemary. Bake for 15 minutes until crunchy.

02. Make the dressing: combine all ingredients and mix well.

03. Assemble the salads: In two bowls, divide the lettuce and top with crunchy chickpeas, potatoes, green beans, tomatoes and olives. Drizzle with tangy lemon dressing and top with spring onion and chives. Enjoy!