Milk Boosting Oatmeal

I have been lucky to have had smooth breastfeeding journeys which I thoroughly enjoyed. Besides being practical, I find that it‘s such a nice way to deeply bond with baby. Currently I‘m four months in to nursing my youngest daughter Chiara and I plan to go on for at least another 5 months as I did with my two first baby girls. 

Since I’ve learned a few things along the way, I thought I‘d share a few tips for some new mamas who might be looking for some support on their breastfeeding journey:

Nourishment & Hydration. A depleted body can’t provide for your baby. Key to keeping up your milk supply are hydration and eating the right (& enough!) food. Oats are a known galactogogue (meaning a food that promotes milk production), so I make sure to have them once a day, preferably for breakfast. Find the recipe for my milk boosting oatmeal below.

Stash some milk. Having some frozen milk stored for baby gives me peace of mind and flexibility. I pump twice a day, first after the 7am feed and then before I go to bed since Chiara is now sleeping through the night. This is doable without adding too much stress to my already busy schedule and lets me slowly build my storage of frozen milk. My go to brand for all things pumping & nursing is Medela and I use their hospital grad pump at home and their new swing maxi on the go. I‘ve tried a few other pumps and nothing compares in terms of efficiency & quality. I highly recommend giving them a try for all new mamas!

Ingredients: (preferably organic)

  • 3 tbsp GF oats
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • ½ banana
  • 1 cup oat milk
  • a dash of cinnamon
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries, for garnish
  • a splash of full fat coconut milk, for garnish
  • a spoonful of almond butter, for garnish
  • a few cocoa nibs, for garnish
  • a splash of maple syrup, for garnish


01. In a small pot, combine oats, chia seeds, oat milk, banana and cinnamon. Mash the banana and stir well. Cover, bring to a boil, turn the heat down and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring from time to time.

02. Transfer the porridge to a bowl and garnish with all the toppings. Enjoy!