Meditation & Nutrition

In my program, I always teach mindfulness techniques along with to the nutrition part for a holistic approach. Nutrition has a lot to do with habits and creating awareness about those patterns as is the first step towards lasting change. We are also so disconnected from ourselves and have forgotten to listen to and trust our bodies, when the key to balance is to let go and follow our intuition, especially when it comes to the food we eat.

Meditation helps to connect back to ourselves and our intuition as well as create awareness around our doing and daily habits. To me, it is the key foundational step towards any lasting change in life.

While it can seem daunting to “just sit there” and “do nothing”, a meditation practice has little to do with those things. To me, mindfulness is simply about taking a break from all the outside noise to get to know your true self and listen to the voice within which is incredibly powerful and the root of all transformation. We are all conditioned from outside opinions and beliefs since our childhood which we often regard as our own and meditation can help you to shed those beliefs and find your own truth. This starts with something as simple as the choice how to nourish your body and then cascades into all other areas of life, including creativity, spirituality and purpose.

Mindfulness helps gain clarity and strength to do what is right for you and to re-connect with your true self. It’s a quiet voice within that unfortunately often gets over-tuned by outside things we hear, read and watch. When it comes to our bodies, our own wisdom is the only ultimate truth and meditation will help you to reconnect to that intuition. It’s like fine-tuning our senses to listen to that delicate but powerful voice that we haven’t paid attention to for so long because we were overwhelmed by other’s opinions and advice. We are all different and therefore what works for me might not work for you, so it’s important to be able to recognize how your body is responding if you make changes to your diet or the way you workout. Key is to stick to what feels good and you will know when you find your balance.