The benefits of eating plant-based

Food is energy. I eat plant-based because I love how it makes me feel. Light, energized and fresh. Nature has created the best food for us and I believe in nourishing our bodies from a place of abundance rather than restriction. When we eat unprocessed plants from the earth our body will get all the nutrients it needs which will reduce cravings for processed foods that create stagnant energy in our system. It’s not a diet, it’s a way of life that will impact your physical, mental and spiritual well-being in a positive way.

There are so many benefits to nourishing your body with plants starting from a healthy microbiome, a longer life span, reduced inflammation, less cravings and a lower toxic load plus it is nourishing, affordable and sustainable.

Microbiome. Our bodies are designed to digest foods in their natural state, so we want to aim for minimally processed plant-based nutrition the majority of the time. Our microbiome plays a huge role in how we digest our food, weight gain, determines our immune system and even impacts our moods and emotions. It is made up from over 35’000 different strains of bacteria that live in our small & large intestine, the stomach, the throat and even our mouth and tongue. The entire surface of our gut is about the size of half a volleyball court and has a profound impact on our well-being. If constantly exposed to irritants like dairy, gluten, animal products, sugar, alcohol and caffeine, our gut lining becomes chronically inflamed which can lead to a variety of health problems like skin issues, stomach pain,

The gut is the happiest when it gets a variety of plant foods rich in fiber, minerals and enzymes. Fiber, the microbiome’s primary source of nourishment is only present in plants, animal products do not contain any fiber. Gut microbes produce short-chain fatty acids from fiber which affects our metabolism to work more efficiently, improves insulin sensitivity and lowers cholesterol levels. 

Longevity. Plant foods are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants like vitamin C, selenium, and vitamin E. These nutrients help lower the oxidative stress on the cells which decreases disease and aging. The Bluezones study has found that some of the world’s oldest and healthiest populations spread across the globe from the Mediterranean to Asia have one thing in common: their traditional diets are predominantly plant-based.

Reduced inflammation. Eating plant-based keeps the body alkaline which helps lower inflammation and decreases the risk for heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Less cravings. Eating a clean whole food plant diet gives your body all the nutrients it needs so once it is used to it, most cravings for overly salty and sugary foods will subside. 

Lower toxic load. Meat, dairy, and fish may contain hormones, steroids, and other toxic residue from their feed and processing. All these toxins are stored in their fat and muscle tissue which ends up on our plate. Being mindful of buying organic and reducing consumption of animal foods can help limit exposure to these toxins.

Nourishing & affordable. Plant-based eating doesn’t mean you have to use expensive exotic superfoods, all plant foods are superfoods! Eating a plant-based variety of fruit, vegetables, grains and legumes are nourishing, economic and accessible.

Sustainable. By reducing consumption of animal foods, you are not only doing your body a favor but the planet as well! Eating plant-based is a sustainable way of living as far less resources are used to grow plants versus farming animals for consumption.