Intentions for a new Year

I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions but I like to set intentions for the new year. They are here to guide me towards my goals and I like to have them as a reminder if things don’t go as planned or not as fast as I want them to. It’s been a year since I started out on this journey of becoming a holistic nutrition coach and creating this platform and I have met the most amazing people, learned and grown so much throughout this process which I am so grateful for. Can’t wait for what’s to come and share the gift of plant-based nutrition and mindfulness with exciting new projects in 2021!

Intentions for the new year:

Embrace the journey. What has helped me tremendously throughout this year was seeing it all as a journey that’s ever evolving and being okay with where I was even though my ego would have liked for things to move more quickly or run more smoothly but it’s the process that shapes you and helps you advance. So rather than seeing obstacles as a sign to give up, I see them as challenges to find a creative solution and learn something from it.

Be present. Only right now matters. Not today, not tomorrow. This is the key to joy in life. A meditation routine can help so much with this as mindfulness is like a muscle that has to be trained daily.

Just do it. Rather than waiting for the perfect moment or obsessing about details too much, it’s so important to set yourself goals, visualise them and then actually follow through. A dream remains a dream without execution. There is always time to perfect the end product once it’s here. I find that this keeps me motivated and my creativity going because you see your ideas come to life which is incredibly rewarding. You

Thrive in chaos. Moms out there feel me! Being a mom and working on my own projects has made me so much more efficient because I know my time is precious and limited. And if a day doesn’t go to plan? Roll with it. It will get done eventually. This is my mantra, especially since there is a second baby in the mix now, I know it won’t be easy but being in the moment and staying focused helps so much.

Wishing you all a happy & healthy 2021!