Luna Trapani / VEGANISTA

I love to introduce individuals who inspire me here and Luna is a fellow plan-based nutrition enthusiast who creates the most delicious Italian recipes with a beautiful aesthetic. She lives in Antwerp, Belgium where she just opened her own plant-based Italian restaurant and she is the author of the cookbook Veganista (only available in Dutch for now, but on her website she shares lots of her recipes in English). In our interview she shares what inspires her, her journey into entrepreneurship and what makes her happy in life.

What inspired you to get into plant-based cooking, publish an Italian-inspired cookbook and even open your own restaurant?
The biggest inspiration for the whole plant-based Italian concept came from my background, as I have an Italian father. I switched to a plant-based diet almost 3 years ago now. I missed my childhood favorites and no one around seemed to know how to simplify plantbased cooking and how to make it really tasty. It would always be so complicated, with fake meats, and tasteless… I wanted to show how easy it actually could be to make simple and delicious food. 

What was your journey into entrepreneurship? 
I grew up in my parents restaurant and I think it had always been in me to work for myself. 

What have been the biggest challenges throughout your journey so far?
Managing the whole restaurant from top to bottom is definitely a challenge when you’re so young and have minimal experience, accounting is also something I struggle with sometimes… I just don’t like paperwork! 

Where do you see yourself in five years from now?
I hope my restaurant is thriving and we can expand with maybe a plant-based pizzeria, having a few more cookbooks.

Where do you find inspiration?
Mostly its from cookbooks, my moms recipes and the internet. Or my own imagination!

What does self-care mean to you?
Feeling healthy and happy. Eating food that are good for you and moving your body. Yoga, stretching, long hot showers. 

What does your morning routine look like?
Usually I wake up, quickly go around the block with my dog and then I will do a workout or I will stretch, or both! I hop in the shower, drink lots of water, have a lemon tea and breakfast. Then I will go for a longer walk in the park with my dog until lunchtime. 

What is your evening routine?
Most of the time I watch movies with my partner in bed, have a tea, walk the dog one last time, maybe stretch again if I’m feeling it and then go to sleep.

What kind of exercise do you do?
I like to walk a lot and i try to stretch and do yoga regularly. I also love a good sweaty workout! 

What is your approach to nutrition?
I believe food is medicine! 

What product is your clean beauty non-negotiable?
Moisturizer, so important! My favorite is from PAI skin care.

How do you bring mindfulness into your day?
I try to take a step back from everything I do and look at it from the other side. I tend to get swallowed up into situations, stopping and taking a step back makes me realize how far I’ve actually come and how grateful I’m for everything.

What are you grateful for?
Everything that is happening right now! My restaurant, my book, my family, my house, everything!

What brings you joy?
People who message me and say how good my food was or how amazing the recipes from the cookbook are! 

What little things do you do in your life in order to make a difference in the world in terms of sustainability?
I try to buy waste-free, I’m plant-based and I try to use natural products. 

What was the last book you have read?
Ottolenghi’s flavor cookbook, of course! What else do you expect? Haha I only ready cookbooks… 

Favorite podcast to listen to?
Hmm I don’t really listen to podcasts. 

Favorite app?

Favorite clean beauty product?
Everything from PAI skincare!

Favorite dish to cook?
Pasta 😉 

Favorite indulgence?
Chocolate chip cookies