My pregnancy workout routine


Movement is the one thing that has kept me feeling sane and like myself throughout this pregnancy. Whether it’s gentle yoga, pilates or walking, I make moving a priority every day because I need it as much for my mental health as I do for my physical health.

Studies have shown that there are amazing benefits to a fit versus a sedentary lifestyle when expecting. These include:

  • faster recovery after birth
  • improved mood
  • less lower-back & pelvic pain
  • improved sleep
  • less fatigue
  • lower risk of pregnancy & delivery complications

While my first trimester was mostly about survival as I suffered from debilitating nausea, in the second I felt back to normal and did my normal workout routine with the same intensity from when before I got pregnant. Now, a few weeks into my third trimester I feel the need to slow down as my body feels more tired but gentle walks and yoga flows are still things that make me feel amazing so I’m keeping those things up.

My tips to establish a safe pregnancy workout routine:

  • Stick to what you know! Now is not the time to get into new crazy workouts, prioritize exercise that makes you feel good and safe.
  • Listen to your body above what everyone else says. No one knows your body as well as you do, trust your intuition and only do what feels good to you.
  • Get yourself a teacher who knows what they are doing. I am so grateful for my yoga teacher Cora and my pilates teacher Trésor who have led me safely through my workouts throughout this pregnancy. Melissa Wood Health workouts are also a go-to for me, I did her regular ones throughout the second trimester (with modifications) and now that the belly is bigger I am loving her prenatal flows.
  • Make movement a priority! No matter if it’s 15 minutes or an hour, it all counts and will make such a difference in how you feel in your body and mind.