The alkaline acid principle

An alkaline body is a healthy body. Our body’s ideal natural PH lies at 7.365 which is slightly alkaline and it is key to stay within that range to fight weight gain, aging and disease. The PH scale ranges from acidic at 0.0 to 7.0 which is neutral to alkaline at 14.0. Everything under 7.0 is acidic while any number over is alkaline.

When digested, all foods leave either an alkaline or acidic residue in our bodies depending on whether they contain more alkaline or acid minerals. While a food can taste “acidic” like a lemon, it becomes alkaline when digested. Essentially, all fresh ripe fruit and vegetables are alkaline while all other foods are on the spectrum of acidity. Animal protein and dairy are amongst the most acidic foods next to refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

To look and feel our best we need to eat fruit and vegetables in abundance combined with gluten-free grains, nuts and seeds while limiting animal products, refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

An alkaline body is vibrant, youthful and full of energy while an acidic body is prone to aging, chronic disease and low energy. Food is energy and by consuming alkaline, live, enzyme-rich foods we have more life force which makes so much sense!