Angeline Suppiger / Model & Urban Farmer Bowls

I met Angeline at a shoot for sustainable activewear brand Seela Studio. Apart from her obvious outer beauty I was immediately impressed by her wonderfully kind and calm personality, her professional experience and entrepreneurial spirit at a young age. When she told me she was also a huge advocate of plant-based nutrition, I knew I had to interview her and find out more about the cool project she recently started with boyfriend and fellow model Laurin Krausz: Urban Farmer, a plant-based food truck! They got their inspiration from living in Los Angeles where plant-based food options can be found on every corner. With Urban Farmer they want share their passion for local organic plant-based food, show that it’s delicious and make it easily available here in Zurich as well.

Tell me about yourself.
My name is Angeline Suppiger, I’m 27 years old, work as an international model and I have recently started my own business “Urban Farmer” together with my boyfriend.

What inspired you to create Urban Farmer?
After working as models in New York and Los Angeles for many years, my boyfriend and I moved back to Zurich in 2019. With our return we felt that there weren’t enough healthy and quick lunch options and we couldn’t find any plant-based menus with local ingredients. So we thought, why not changing that ourselves. We both lived as vegetarians for many years, but changed to a plant-based diet in January 2020. Our goal is to make it easy for everyone to eat local and plant-based. We are convinced that a healthy, wholesome and plant-based nutrition can make a huge difference and is the key to a happy future and well-being.

What was your journey into entrepreneurship?
We’re still at the beginning of our journey, but it’s been very interesting with lots of ups and downs. But that’s what life is about. No risk no fun!

What have been the biggest challenges throughout your journey so far?
Our very first day was to be honest a bit of a “shit-show”. We had problems with the truck, really bad luck with the weather, a few bottles of dressing spilled in the truck, a credit card reader that didn’t work and lots of other complications. But at the end of the day everything worked out, it made us stronger as a team and we were super proud of us.

Where do you see yourself in five years from now?
Hard to say, I usually go with the flow. But I hope to live in a house and have lots of animals. My dream is to grow my own food in my garden.

Where do you find inspiration?
In so many ways! I follow a lot of inspiring people and accounts on Instagram, but I also get inspired when travelling and meeting new people al the time thanks to my job.

Take us through a day in your life.
Every day is different. I kind of live in two different worlds. Either I’m traveling to work as a model or I’m in Zurich with my Food Truck. But it doesn’t matter where I wake up, my morning always starts with a cup of coffee. For breakfast I usually have porridge or if it has to go fast a protein shake. I also like to go to the gym or do yoga in the morning so I feel energized for the day. After work I love to cook a nice dinner with my boyfriend and maybe have a glass of wine to relax and fully enjoy the evening.

What does self-care mean to you?
Self-care is the key to a happy and balanced life. Self-care is not just taking the time to do a facemask or take a bubble bath, for me it means more taking the time to reflect on my day, maybe even meditate, set intentions and count my blessings. 

What does your morning routine look like?
I take a shower, wash and moisturize my face. I usually don’t wear a lot of makeup, just BB Cream, concealer and mascara, and after a cup of coffee I’m ready for the day.

What is your evening routine?
I always double cleanse my face, especially after getting my makeup done. I tend to have dry skin, so a good moisturizer is key. I recently also discovered a new nourishing facial oil by Neighbourhood Botanicals that is natural, vegan and cruelty free. 

Right before going to bed, I love to have a fresh mint tea that calms down my body and soul. 

What kind of exercise do you do?
I try to exercise 3-4 times a week. I go to the gym, do cardio and a bit of weight lifting but I’m also really into yoga. I always feel amazing mentally and physically after a yoga class.

What is your approach to nutrition?
I’ve been a vegetarian pretty much for my whole life. Last year I started to educate myself more about where my food comes from and what it does to my body and the environment. After that the decision to become vegan came super naturally for me. I have been vegan for six months now and I’ve never felt better! 

What is your clean beauty non-negotiable?
I think that what we put on our bodies matters just as much as what we put in our bodies. That’s why I’m slowly changing all my beauty products to natural and vegan alternatives. My absolutely favorite product is the one I mentioned above, the “Dream Dream Dream” facial oil by Neighbourhood Botanicals.

How do you bring mindfulness into your day?
I reflect my day before I go to sleep and set intentions for the day ahead. 

What are you grateful for?
My relationship with my boyfriend, my best friends that I’ve known for 20 years and of course my family. I’m also proud of myself for being a mindful, friendly and warm-hearted woman.

What brings you joy?
Good food, a good movie, game nights with friends, animals and travels.

What little things do you do in your life in order to make a difference in the world in terms of sustainability?
Besides of being vegan, I try to buy local and seasonal food, I recycle and I ride my bicycle or try to travel by train whenever possible.

What was the last book you have read?
A brief history of humankind by Yuval Noah Harari‎

Favorite podcast to listen to?
I have not really gotten into podcasts yet.

Favorite app?
Instagram, Yuka and I recently discovered Synctuition (amazing app for meditation)

Favorite clean beauty product?
Neighbourhood botanicals “Dream Dream Dream” facial oil

Favorite dish to cook?
Thai curry with lots of greens, chickpeas, tofu and whatever I can find in the fridge.

Favorite indulgence?
Homemade chocolate-banana-coconut cake