Choose to focus on what you can control

When things are out of control, choose to focus on what you CAN control. Now more than ever, it’s so important to bring some structure into our day by establishing a routine and little self-care rituals that keep us grounded and calm.

Here are five tips to practice each day to make sure we can stay positive and centered for the next few weeks:

01. Make sure you have some form stress management technique

It can be meditation, journaling, keeping a gratitude diary, or reading an affirmation or a page from a book you love, ideally first thing in the morning to set yourself up for the day in the right headspace.

02. Get your body moving

Movement is medicine! It strengthens the mind-body connection and gets those endorphins rushing. Just because gyms and workout studios are closed, there’s no reason to become a couch potato now. Make sure you get some movement in daily, no matter what you do or for how long. There are so many amazing online streaming classes like Melissa Wood Health, Tracy Anderson or F’low Me Yoga. Check them out and find one that fits YOUR workout style.

03. Eat healthy and nutritious meals

Immunity starts with nutrition. Focus on fresh, plant-centred meals to make sure to get in all those vitamins, minerals and fiber to keep your immune system thriving. Wine, chips and Netflix have their place and time, but make sure that you balance it with an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. Sitting down for actuals meals to prevent all-day snacking is important too. Make cooking fun by getting inspired and trying new recipes. Check out our NOURISH section for easy and delicious plant- based recipes.

04. Get some fresh air

It’s spring and getting warmer, so a daily walk outside (while keeping your distance from others) is the best remedy for home office blues. Sunshine is necessary for vitamin D production and connection with nature soothes the soul.

05. Maintain a clean and organized home

Clear space, clear mind. While staying organized is important always, now you finally have time to clean out that closet, go through that pile of dusty magazines and clean out your kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Making space and only keeping the things around that you actually love and use feels SO good and will make you so much more productive.