Solveig Bethke / shape by solveig

Empowering women to more self-acceptance and self-love through her unique workout concept bodymindshape that combines high intensity training with mindfulness is Solveig’s vision. She is a dedicated and driven entrepreneur who is changing Zurich’s fitness landscape one mindful workout at a time.

Tell me about yourself.
I am Solveig and I am the founder of bodymindshape, a unique workout concept with the mission to help young women feel comfortable in their skin. The classes are high intensity body-weight exercises followed by stretching and a meditation in order to add a mindfulness component to the workout. The setting is unique as well, we train at Club Bellevue on Monday and Wednesday nights to the latest beats. The atmosphere is fun and high energy. I have been a professional athlete with the Swiss Olympic canoeing team, did some modelling and studied business at the University of Zurich in the past.

What inspired you to create bodymindshape?
A lot of my self-esteem has always been based on my looks, especially during my modelling years. But despite being beautiful and having it all so to speak, I was never truly happy and content with myself. I was in a relationship that wasn’t working out and one day I really had to ask myself if I wanted to continue to live this way. The answer was no and I started a long journey of working on myself. I started by going to self-improvement seminars and reading all the books on self-help and spirituality I could get my hands on. I separated from my boyfriend and started working towards finding myself and my true purpose. Coming from a background of professional sports, I had always exercised in a very competitive way with a big focus on how my body looks and performs and I understand how it feels not to be comfortable in your own skin. With the bodymindshape method I want to change this and guide women towards more self-acceptance and self-love.

What was your journey into entrepreneurship?
After I stopped modeling I worked for different boutique fitness studios in Zurich. I learned a lot but I knew I needed to be my own boss in order to realize my vision. I strongly believe each of us has a gift we are destined to share with the world. Even if it’s uncomfortable, because only if you get out of your comfort zone you will experience growth. From what I had been going through I knew that it was my task to help other women feel more content and accepting of themselves. 

I started doing my own bootcamp classes which no one came to initially and then slowly developed the bodymindshape method based on that. I faced a lot of resistance at the beginning with people telling me that no one will want to work out in a night club, but it started developing slowly and now I have a loyal community of women who work out with me regularly once or twice a week. It makes me so happy when I see how I can help them become more mindful, more self-secure and happy with their bodies.

What have been the biggest challenges throughout your journey so far?
Overcoming my own limiting beliefs. I don’t come from a family of entrepreneurs and getting into the mindset of me being capable of building something big and following my vision was a big challenge for me. It took a lot of courage for me to not have a stable income. There are sacrifices self-employment comes with, I shop very little for example and I haven’t been on a proper vacation since the start of this journey. But bringing the vision I have into the world and help other women to find more inner balance is worth all of it. It was also hard to open myself up initially, through social media which is an important part of my work and guiding the meditations in my classes. You are very vulnerable and receptive when you work this close with people and I had to work on myself a lot to be strong enough to do these things.

The world of meditation and spirituality is foreign and intimidating to a lot of people. How do you make it accessible for your clients?
Generally, my clients start coming to bodymindshape for the workout and most of them are quite open-minded towards the meditation part. In the end, that’s why they keep coming back, because they realize it’s not just the body but also the mind that benefits from the classes. But there have also been girls that came once and never returned because they found that it wasn’t for them. But that’s okay, because they weren’t ready for it at that point in time.

Where do you see yourself in five years from now?
We are at a turning point right now, because we have kind of outgrown the club. location and we need to find a new location where we can have regular classes. My boyfriend is now also working with me and we are looking at the option of opening our own bodymindshape studio. I am very excited, but I also know that it will be a lot of work. From finding a location to finding instructors and training them it is a big project, but I know this is the only way bodymindshape can grow. In five years from now, I would like to be a mom and hopefully manage multiple bodymindshape studios. I am not set on business success, my motivation is driven by my vision to make people feel great and help them to see working out as an act of self-care instead of a means to just burn calories. In general, my priority is to be a content, free and healthy person.

Take us through a day in your life.
Every day is different. I like to take time for myself in the morning. I like to read, meditate or just have tea and be still for a moment. I also have a referral business and I often start my workday with a coaching call regarding current projects. Then I have meetings, do administrational work and other days I work for myself to find inspiration to develop the bodymindshape concept further. Monday and Wednesday evenings I teach my classes.

What does self-care mean to you?
For me, self-care is taking the time to listen to myself and listen to what my body needs. So often, self-care gets reduced to beauty treatments, but it is so much more. It can be meditation, reading a book or learning something new.

What does your morning routine look like?
I used to have an extensive morning routine including meditation, visualization and journaling. These practices can become overwhelming if there are too many steps, so I keep it simple. Depending on my mood I now pick the one thing I feel I need to start my day with, it can be meditation, drinking tea by myself or having a chat with my boyfriend. The one big thing I stay consistent with is not to look at my phone for an hour after I get up.

What is your evening routine?
I spend time with my boyfriend. Connecting with him makes me feel so good and it is important for our relationship to always stay in touch, even in daily life. I love to read and I write in my gratitude and success journal. When I go to sleep I also try to think of things I am grateful for.

What kind of exercise do you do besides your own workouts?
I like to take walks in nature and I do workouts for myself off and on. Since the summer I have been taking it very easy on myself in regards to working out because I just don’t feel like I need it right now.

What is your approach to nutrition?
I don’t like labels and I eat everything mindfully. I believe that a mainly vegan diet is the healthiest and I try to eat that way most of the time. If I have meat it has to be local and the best quality. I have noticed that I feel better eating more plant-based fats and less carbohydrates. It keeps me satiated longer and gives me more energy. I also supplement certain vitamins and minerals that are hard to obtain through diet. It is super important to use organic naturally derived supplements for optimal absorption and to keep harmful substances to a minimum, though. My basics are Omega-3 and OPC. OPC is a powerful anti-oxidant derived from grape seeds.

What is your clean beauty non-negotiable?
I am very lazy with my beauty routine. I use very minimal make-up and I possess maybe one lipstick. I believe that beauty comes from the inside and I try to keep my skin healthy through diet and supplements. One product I swear by is Filabe, a re-usable microfibril wipe which I use in the morning and evening to clean my face. I also use a crystal deodorant. Simplicity is key for me.

How do you bring mindfulness into your day?
I try to be present. Because it is part of my job, I get reminded to stay present every day.

What are you grateful for?
For everything. I am grateful for all the struggles I have had, the failed relationships and downs I have experienced. It led me to the place I am today.

What brings you joy?
Connecting with people, reading, taking a walk and my work. Being with family and friends, good food, the sun, but also the rain.

Where do you find inspiration?
Through writing. I write a lot because I think a lot and writing helps me to deepen my thoughts. Reading and meditation are big sources of inspiration for me. Talking to people is, too. Even if they are at a totally different point in their lives than I am, it inspires me to stay open-minded and accept that there is no one answer to most questions.

What little things do you do in your life in order to make a difference in the world in terms of sustainability?
I try to eat seasonal and local except for my one big love, avocado. But I try to avoid imported produce in general. I don’t fly long-haul often and I try to bike wherever I can in daily life. I don’t shop a lot and I am very mindful of my purchases.

What was the last book you have read?
Four Promises by Don Miguel Ruiz 

Favorite podcast to listen to?
Bewohnerfrei by Tobias Beck

Favorite app?
Insight Timer

Favorite clean beauty product?

Favorite dish to cook?

Favorite indulgence?
Sweets, I love anything with sugar from Lemon tart to Pain au Chocolat.

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