Why you should start your morning with Lemon Water

When life gives you lemons…Make lemon water! No, seriously, my lemon water in the morning has become religion. No matter where I am, it sets me up for the day, makes sure I am well hydrated and have an alkaline start to my day. Besides the comfort of drinking something warm in the morning, lemon water has so many benefits which is why it should be your first choice after getting out of bed, before having your coffee or tea.

Benefits of Lemon Water:

  • It’s alkalizing. So many of the foods we consume such as processed foods and animal protein are very acidic and hard to digest for our bodies. Even though it has a sour taste, lemons are actually very alkaline and lemon water has a balancing effect on the PH levels in our bodies.
  • It boosts the immune system with Vitamin C which is an antioxidant that helps to protect the cells from damaging free radicals. Even though lemons are not the fruit highest in Vitamin C, a quarter cup of lemon juice accounts for a third of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C for adults. Additionally, lemon juice is a good source for potassium which support heart, brain and nerve health.
  • Drinking something warm in the morning can help to wake up the system and aid digestion. In ayurveda, it is believed that the sour taste helps the agni, the digestive fire, allowing to digest food more easily and prevent the build-up of toxins.
  • It is hydrating. Having a glass of lemon water first thing after getting up helps to start the day well hydrated after waking up in the morning dehydrated.


  • Don’t just use the lemon juice, toss the entire half of the lemon in the glass for maximum benefit. The peel is where the powerful lemon essential oils are and they can be absorbed into the warm water that way.
  • The water should be warm, not boiling hot to not destroy the nutritional value of the lemon juice because Vitamin C is not heat stable.
  • I add organic apple cider vinegar to my lemon water most mornings to help balance blood sugar levels and double up on the antioxidant effect of the lemon.
  • Use a straw to protect tooth enamel.
  • Make sure to use organic lemons for the lemon water so there is no toxin residue from herbicides or fertilizers in your healthy morning drink.